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Are you looking for a dream home where you can live in style with your loved ones? Trindor Homes will help you find the perfect abode for you.
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Are you looking for a dream home where you can live in style with your loved ones? Trindor Homes will help you find the perfect abode for you.
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1831 Eggum Rd, Mount Horeb



1929 Grieg Dr, Mount Horeb, WI



1905 Eggum Rd, Mount Horeb



Our Most Popular Residential Properties

Co-founder & CEO:  Raj Bajoon

Trindor Homes, we are passionate about building and providing a beautiful and comfortable home for all. Aesthetically pleasing, practical, functional, and equipped with all the modern facilities, our homes give you a great lifestyle of your choice and sweet memories that last forever.


Frequently Asked Questions

We are glad to answer the commonly asked questions by our customers. 

Most of our homes built by us range between 3000 and 7000 feet. The size of the houses depends on various factors like location, budget, and housing needs of prospective residents.
A huge number of variables impact the cost of designing and building new homes. For this reason, we don’t have a set price per square foot that we charge from house buyers. We have highly skilled and trained team members who undertake a value-engineering approach from the beginning of the design phase. This approach enables us to provide the essential features in homes while keeping their price within the purchase ability of buyers.
The construction timeline of a new residential property project handled by us depends on several variables. These include material, weather, availability of labor, geography, customer changes, etc. In most cases, we can complete our housing projects within 8 to 10 months.